Dear Friends,
I wanted to confirm the arrangements for Jim Graham’s thanksgiving service with you. All are welcome to attend the Thanksgiving Service. Please encourage those you know not to be put off by parking restrictions or fear of a lack of space. We have done all we can to mitigate these issues and have secured the use of the Common opposite the Church building for parking and for the erection of a marque where refreshments will be available after the service. We will start at 2pm on Friday 22nd July. The front of the Church will be used for the family to park and for drop off only. We have a team from St James’ coming to help with serving refreshments and a crèche so that our church family can be in the service as much as possible. All the public rooms in the Church building will be used for relays as they are needed except for Room 9 which will be a crèche. We are also live streaming and recording the service both of which are available via our website - We would encourage you to arrive early.
Those of you who need help with transportation from airports or stations and those who need help with overnight accommodation can contact us directly at [email protected] or by calling 01753 887173. We will be happy to help with any practical arrangements that we can. Donations, in lieu of flowers will can be made to Ian Rennie Nursing via the Church Office or on the day of the thanksgiving service itself
May you know God’s strength and comfort at this time. We have much to celebrate in the week ahead and we remember that the Lord is good, and his love endures forever as we give thanks for a godly man and his impact on us and many others. .
If you have any questions then please just let us know. Please share this information with anyone who may be interested in joining us on the day of the 22nd July
Grace and Peace,
Malcolm Duncan
On behalf of the Graham Family and the family at Gold Hill Baptist Church
Revd Malcolm Duncan F.R.S.A.
Twitter / Facebook / Skype: MalcolmJDuncan
Personal Assistant: Maria Bond.
Email: [email protected]
Extension 205
Gold Hill
Seeking to be an authentic Christ-like community,
encountering God, making disciples and transforming the world.
Gold Hill Baptist Church, Gold Hill East, Chalfont St Peter, Bucks SL9 9DG
Office: 01753 887173 Email: [email protected]
A charitable company limited by guarantee: Company No: 8043770, Charity Mo. 114798
Rita J. Sührig
I was a student from Germany studying at the then London Bible College in Northwood, Middx. in 1974 when a fellow-student who had a car took me to Goldhill for the first time. It was then that I heard the Rev. R.J.Graham preach and teach for the first time. It blew my mind! As often as I could I went to Goldhill absorbing it all. I loved it when the little door on the left to the pulpit opened and he entered the church with this wonderful smile and silver tie that matched his hair. I noticed his son often at church which was a testimony to the reality of his faith. After graduating from LBC I attended his baptism classes and he baptized me at Goldhill. It was one of the most moving experiences I had. The black and white photograph with Jimand I in the baptistry is so precious to me! His teachings and sermons fill my library and my heart. I just loved his warm voice and Scottish accent. When twenty years later I visited Goldhill again with my little son Simon-Christopher I approached Jim from behind tapping on his shoulder. He turned around and without hesitation as if he had seen me only yesterday said: "Rita!" My heart goes out to his family!
I've just sent my baptism photo of forty years ago to Maria's email address.
Posted by: Rita J. Sührig | July 15, 2016 at 04:43 PM