Rev. Malcolm Duncan is the Founder and Director of Church and Community ( and leads Gold Hill Baptist Church ( Church and Community is committed to helping Christians and local churches engage with the wider community. It works to support followers of Christ and Churches to develop strong and unconditional service of others, effective advocacy for the marginalised, clear proclamation and strong theology, better partnerships and shared resources, and deep roots in prayer and Christian spirituality. It's vision is to see every local church in the world engaged in intergal mission and serving its local community.
Malcolm is also a local church leader, a broadcaster, a writer and actively engaged in a number of areas of advocacy. He serves on the boards and advisory groups of a number of churches, charities and businesses and is very involved in a number of advocacy campaigns.
He was previously the pastor of The Chapel @ Mortimer West End (; the leader of Warham Community Church ( and the director of Change Catalyst (
He was previously the leader of Faithworks - a social action movement in the UK
Malcolm was born in Northern Ireland. He studied theology at university and has been leading local churches for a number of years. He has served on boards for community regeneration and renewal projects, incluing a Neighbourhood Renewal Pathfinder. He has been actively involved in leading churches to engage in their communities for over a decade, providing training and support, and has set up a number of community initiatives as part of the Church's outreach, including community advice centres, neighbourhood forums, neighbourhood watch schemes, debt clinics and various other projects.
Prior to joining Faithworks, Malcolm was the Head of Church and Mission for the Evangelical Alliance, where he was responsible for leading the Alliance's commitment to over 3,000 churches. He was also responsible for leading the Alliance's work in evangelism, mission and prayer, including a particular emphasis on social responsibility - covering social action, social engagement, social justice, and social policy. He is committed to serving the poor and excluded, and to helping the government and other groups understand the role of church in society.
A passionate communicator, Malcolm has also regularly written, broadcast, taught and lectured on the themes of mission and engagement by the church. He is currently writing his third book - 'Unstoppable: God's Great Purposes for the Church' having previously published 'Building a Better World: Faith at Work for Change in Society' and 'Kingdom Come: The Local Church as a Cataylst for Social Change
Malcolm is married to Debbie, a Clinical Nurse Tutor at King's College, London. They have four children and live in Chalfont St Peter, Bucks.